Het Bevel van de Zwerver

Het Bevel van de Zwerver
Originele titel: The Will of the Wanderer
Series Number: 1
ISBN13: 9789024541904
Published: 2001
Book URL: GoodReads.com
Goodreads Rating: 3.80
Format: Paperback
Since time began, twenty Gods have ruled the universe. Though each god possessed different abilities, each was all-powerful within his realm. Now one of the Gods has upset the balance of power, leaving the others scrambling for control in the new order... Here is the epic tale of the Great War of the Gods -- and the proud people upon whom the fate of the world depends. When the God of the desert, Akhran the Wanderer, declares that two clans must band together despite…

Interessant verhaal. Niet echt heel veel bijzonders. Er zijn betere boeken van dit duo.

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