
Burn: Earth 6.0
Series Number: 1
ISBN13: 9781684332571
Published: 5/2/2019
Book URL: GoodReads.com
Goodreads Rating: 4.36
Format: Paperback
5 EXTINCTION LEVEL EVENTS HAVE ALREADY HAPPENED. CAN HUMANITY SURVIVE A 6TH? In two weeks life on Earth would end. Victoria Phillips was one of the fortunate ones, she'd won a spot in Earth's underground sanctuary. Unfortunately, it came with Phoenix Tanner. He'd been sent to escort her to safety, but the man drove her nuts with his arrogant, annoying, sexist attitude. She was torn between kicking his shins and running her nails down his…

Leuk verhaal. Lekker te lezen boek, waar je snel in zat. Lastig is dat soms de POV verwisselde tussen een paar personages. Een deel van hoofdstuk 18 had van mij niet gehoeven

Kan niet wachtten om de volgende twee delen te pakken te krijgen


Edit 2021: Helaas blijken de volgende delen niet te bestaan.

Permanent link to this article: https://edwinleest.nl/review/burn-earth-6-0-trilogy-1/

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