Genre: Fan-fiction

The Girl on the Dock

A James Potter in-between book.  Good read. Not that great.

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Petra’s Getaway

Review: Kort verhaal in de James Potter (ja James, niet Harry) wereld.

Weinig bijzonders. De schrijver G. Norman Lippert heeft betere verhalen geschreven dan deze. Dit verhaal speelt zich af tijdens de reis die de Potter’s maken naar Amerika, daarom ook het serienummer 3.5

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Harry’s First Christmas

Grappig verhaal. als prequel van de Harry Potter series.

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James Potter and the Vault of Destinies

Best of the series so far.

Some parts a bit overdone, and completely unneeded (such as the time when the students went to visit the Shackamaxon. The chapter reaching there was a long read, and in the end we learned nothing of it, because next thing they all were back at the school.

I still …

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